Selection of Materials
The School Librarian is in charge of selecting materials for the library. She takes many things into account when choosing these materials and consults patrons such as students and staff, as well as professional resources. She takes the ideals of intellectual freedom seriously. She strives to select materials that represent as many different cultures, ideas, and values as possible. She believes this is a protection of the first amendment rights of her students and does not agree with censoring their natural curiosity. Rather she strives to encourage students to learn all that they can to become informed, successful members of society.
* Materials should be selected in diverse formats and levels to serve different kinds of learners.
* Materials should be diverse in content to satisfy the interests of our patrons and/or the curriculum needs.
* Materials should be selected from the user's point of view, not necessisarily that pof the school librarian.
* Teachers should be consulted during the selection process for requests pertaining to cucciculum needs.
* Students should be consulted during the selection process forr equests pertaining to leisure reading and subject interests.
* Gifts or donations are accepted, but will be assessed by the school librarian before becoming part of the collection. The school librarian reserves the right to dispose of unused donations however she chooses.
* Materials should be up-to-date and relevant to the curriculum or student interest.
* Materials should be selected based on the age and maturity level of the students.
Sometimes the librarian has to consult professional review sources; Below is a list of professional selection tools she uses when selecting materials:
Junior Library Guild
School Library Journal Reviews
Kirkus Reviews
YALSA Awards and Lists